Several years ago as my plane was landing at the DFW Airport, I asked the Lord, “Do you plan to move our family back to Texas?” Our family lived in California at the time and we were feeling that a move to Texas was imminent. I heard a soft voice in my spirit, “Not yet.”   His answer told me three things:

(1) Eventually it would happen.

(2) It wouldn’t be right away.

(3) I didn’t need to worry about it because He’d let me know.

Immediately, my heart was settled and my inquisitive nature put to rest. Two little words from God and my world was at peace.

Regardless of what we are going through, we need to hear God’s perspective of our situation. Experience has taught me that He seldom elaborates but he tells us just what we need to know to put our hearts at rest.

I’ve found that sometimes when we are not getting an answer, it’s because we are asking the wrong question. I will often ask the Lord, “What question would you like to answer.” It’s amazing how quickly He answers when we ask the right question. This doesn’t put the burden on us to perform by asking the right question but on His ability to speak to our hearts what we need or want to know. It’s about relationship with our Heavenly Father.

The disciples had the same problem. They asked Jesus about the blind man:  “Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?” Jesus said, “You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for someone to blame.  There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do.” (John 9:1-3 Message).

Are you asking the right questions? Ask Him what questions he wants to answer. God’s perspective of your situation will probably amaze you and calm your heart.